Sunday, 15 August 2010

Independence Day of Indonesia

The Independence Day of Indonesia was officially  proclaimed on 17th August, 1945 at 10.00 a.m. sharp on Friday. With this declaration started the five year diplomatic and armed-resistance of the Indonesian National Revolution, fighting against the Netherlands until they officially acknowledged Indonesia's independence in 1949.
Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta, who were appointed President and Vice-president, respectively, were the documents signatories.
The Indonesian Independence Day is a very big event for the people of Indonesia. Preparations for this patriotic day start weeks ahead before the 17th of August. All high-rise office buildings around town are decorated with large banners and lighted designs. Fences around the presidential palace and many government offices are draped in red and white streamers. The malls are all decorated in red and white and hold Independence Day sales for the people. Lots of money is spend by the city administration to create a unique series of red and white lighted decorations.

The President and Vice President hoists the national flag of Indonesia at the National Palace which is televised live for all the people to watch. The whole town glitters in red and white and the all over one can see the words 'Dirgahayu RI' or 'Long live Indonesia!' It's a national holiday for the Indonesian people were all the citizens and even tourists visiting the island can celebrate to their hearts content.

A popular game, 'Panjat Pinang' is played by the people. Here palm trunk is erected in a public area which is well greased with a mixture of clay and oil. Various prizes in the form of bikes, TVs etc are hung at the top and kids and even grownups climb over each other struggling to reach the goal. In the end there are a lot of slippery, muddy kids and grownups all happy and smiling after their exercise of fun. A good time is even had by the crowd watching the gaiety. 

Read Chairil Anwar's poems, love your country


If my time should come
I'd like no one to entice me
Not even you
No need for those sobs and cries

I am but a wild animal
Cut from its kind

Though bullets should pierce my skin
I shall still strike and march forth

Wounds and poison shall I take aflee. Aflee
'Til the pain and pang should disappear

And I should care even less

I want to live 
for another thousand years


Friday, 13 August 2010

The Month Of Ramadhan

The month of Ramadhan is the most sacred month in Islamic calendar. In the same way that Allah elevated the status of the prophet over the rest of the creation and the status of the cities of Makkah and madinah over the rest of the cities, so also has the month of Ramadhan been elevated above the other months.
The Prophet {peace be upon him) said : " When the month of Ramadhan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of  Hell are closed and the devils are chained. " And he said: " Whoever fasts the month of Ramadhan having faith in Allah SWT and expecting reward from Allah, all his previous sin will be forgiven.".
Among the nights of Ramadhan is a particular night known as laylat al Qadr (the Night of Power). This night alone is better than thousand months.


Fasting  or sawn  in  Islam signifies abstaining completely from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset.
The practice of fasting exists in all major religions, although the reason behind it will vary from religion to religions. Christians fast  to control desires, Buddhists fast as method of purification and Hindus fas to enhance concentration during spiritual exercises, While Islam recognizes that all these are indeed benefits of fasting. the Muslim fasts as an expression of his slavehood to Allah SWT.
Fasting is one of most ancient ways in which Allah his been worshiped.

Allah says in the Qur'an :

" O believers, prescribed for you is the fast,  just as it was prescribed for those before you, that you my be Good concious" (2:180)

The  God consciousness is what prevents the fasting Muslim from slaking his thirst and satisfying his hunger throughout the day, even though be may well be able to do so in secret. One's very hunger and thirst than become reminders of the presence of Allah SWT. Perhaps this is why Allah SWT says in a Hadisth Qudsi :

Fasting is mine and it is I who give reward for it . The fast of the month of Ramadhan is an obligation for all believers over the age of puberty. This particular month is of special significance because this is when the Al-Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet  Salla Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam. So the fast of Ramadhan is in part a celebritation of the Al-Qur'an itself.
The fasting Muslim is required to avoid quarrels, vain talk or four words. The prophet (peace and upon him) said; "  Fasting is a shield. So when one of you is fasting, let him avoid obscene language and foolish behaviour. If someone slanders him or tries to quarrel, let him say, I am fasting.  "
Fasting inspires sympathy for the poor and strengthens the bonds of brotherhood. Experiencing hunger and thirst first hand makes a person realize the plight of those who struggle to get enough food or survive.Muslims typically give a lot of charity during  this month. Also Muslims typically break the fast together; rich and poor, black and white, share food and water together at sunset.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Ramadhan 1431 H

Bulan ramadhan yang barakah kau kembali
Ku mengucap syukur ke hadrat Illahi
Dapat ku bersua dengan Ramadhan kali ini
Tersedu aku mengingat kisah lampau kembali

Pada bulan ramadhan  aku banyak tersedu
Sujud menangis di sejadahku
Minta diampun segala dosa-dosaku yang lalu
Moga-moga terampun juga dosa-dosaku

Pada bulan ramadhan ini ku berdoa
Teringat kan yang telah tiada
Dengan al-fatihah kusedekahkan pada mereka
Moga-moga berbahagia mereka di sisiNYA

Pada ramadhan yang mulia ini
Ku menanti malam yang dinanti-nanti
Lailatul Qadar yang penuh arti
Tidak akan ku sia-siakan peluang sebesar ini

Bila ku sadar Lailatul Qadar kunjung tiba
Tahu lah aku ramadhan akan pergi
KepadaMU ku menadah tangan berdoa
Semoga dapat ku berjumpa ramadhan kembali

Amin Ya Robal Alamin....:)

Ora et Labora

Hendaknya seorang hamba itu menjadi manusia terbaik dalam menyongsong harinya yang sedang dihadapinya dan sekaligus mampu mengkonsentrasikan keseriusan dan kesungguhannya untuk memperbaiki hari dan detik yang sedang dihadapinya itu. Karena, pemusatan hati untuk berbuat demikian akan menuntutnya untuk mengoptimalkan pekerjaan, dan iapun dapat terhibur dengannya dari kegundahan dan kesedihan. Maka seorang hamba harus bersungguh-sungguh untuk meraih apa yang bermanfaat baginya dalam kehidupan religinya ataupun duniawinya dan memohon kepada Allah keberhasilan maksud dan tujuannya, seiring dengan memohon pertolongan kepadaNya untuk itu, sebagaimana apa yang disabdakan oleh Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. “Artinya : Berupaya keraslah untuk mencapai apa yang bermanfaat bagimu dan mohonlah pertolongan kepada Allah serta janganlah kamu lemah. Jika kamu tertimpa sesuatu, janganlah kamu berkata : Andaikan aku berbuat demikian tentu akan terjadi demikian dan demikian. Akan tetapi katakanlah : Allah telah mentaqdirkan (ini). Allah melakukan apa yang dikehendakiNya. Karena, kata “andaikan” membukakan pintu perbuatan syetan” [Hadits Riwayat Muslim dalam shahihnya]

Doa Bersama

 DO'A BERSAMA  (By Ustad Yusuf Mansyur) : " Yaa Allah, Yaa Hayuu Yaa Qoyyuum, Yaa Maalikiyaumiddin Iyya Kana'buduwa Iyyakanasta'in. Allahumma Sholli 'alaa Muhammad wa'ala alihii washohhbihi Wassallaam. Kuatkan kami kaum Muslimin dlm ta'at kpd-Mu dibln suci ini, Jauhilah kami dr segala bala, fitnah, takdir yg kami tdk sanggup menanggungnya. Tunjukillah yg benar adl benar, Tunjukillah yg salah itu salah, selamatkan kaum Muslimin Yaa Robb jgn biarkan kami dlm ksalahan yg kami tdk mngetahuinya. Maha luas ilmu-Mu, maha Kuat diri-Mu dan Kuasa-Mu. Tolonglah kami, tolonglah kami, tolonglah kami. Pisahlah antara Al Haq dan kebathilan, jgn biarkan kami terjerat dlm kebatilan yg tersamar. Amin Ya Robbal 'alamiin. Kabulkanlah Yaa Allah. Al Fatihah. ( Bacakan Al Fatihah, Laa Hawla walaa Quwwata Illa Billahil 'aliyil Adzhiim, Allahuakbar 

Ramadhan 1431 H

Salam our brothers and sisters,

Ramandan is the month of Fasting for Muslims.  Muslims go without food and water from Dawn till sunset, the month of Ramadan has special significance in Islam as this was the month in which Quran was sent for mankind
The start of Ramadan depends on moon sighting and it is expected that Ramandan 1431 H will start on 11-12th of August 2010'

Marhaban Yaa syahru Ramadhan. Marhaban syahrul Maghfirah. Marhaban syahrul Quran. Marhaban Yaa Syahrul Ibadah. We apologise to everybody for any sins we may have committed. Happy Ramadhan 1431 H.


We all muslims must fast in Ramadhan
Which is one of the five Arkan
It is a blessed month you know
We fast for Allah SWT, not for show

It is designed to make us think
As we refrain from food and drink
We feel the hunger and the pain
Much there is for us to gain

From dawn till sunset we fast
Hoping that our fasting can last
While we try to do much good
Building Ridha and Taqwa like we should

Special prayers we say at night
Turn to Allah in our plight
To ask forgive and guide us as we try
While ourselves we purify

Please remember it was in Ramadhan
When Allah revealed the Holy Qur'an
And so began the Prophet's call
A guide and mercy to us all

The night of Laylat al Qadr is beautiful and unique
Its blessings all believers seek
Then will follow the day of Eid
A truly festive day indeed

Fasting teaches discipline too
Self-control for me and you
As year by year we train to be
Better Muslims, by Allah's decree.