Thursday, 12 August 2010

Ramadhan 1431 H

Salam our brothers and sisters,

Ramandan is the month of Fasting for Muslims.  Muslims go without food and water from Dawn till sunset, the month of Ramadan has special significance in Islam as this was the month in which Quran was sent for mankind
The start of Ramadan depends on moon sighting and it is expected that Ramandan 1431 H will start on 11-12th of August 2010'

Marhaban Yaa syahru Ramadhan. Marhaban syahrul Maghfirah. Marhaban syahrul Quran. Marhaban Yaa Syahrul Ibadah. We apologise to everybody for any sins we may have committed. Happy Ramadhan 1431 H.


We all muslims must fast in Ramadhan
Which is one of the five Arkan
It is a blessed month you know
We fast for Allah SWT, not for show

It is designed to make us think
As we refrain from food and drink
We feel the hunger and the pain
Much there is for us to gain

From dawn till sunset we fast
Hoping that our fasting can last
While we try to do much good
Building Ridha and Taqwa like we should

Special prayers we say at night
Turn to Allah in our plight
To ask forgive and guide us as we try
While ourselves we purify

Please remember it was in Ramadhan
When Allah revealed the Holy Qur'an
And so began the Prophet's call
A guide and mercy to us all

The night of Laylat al Qadr is beautiful and unique
Its blessings all believers seek
Then will follow the day of Eid
A truly festive day indeed

Fasting teaches discipline too
Self-control for me and you
As year by year we train to be
Better Muslims, by Allah's decree.

1 comment:

  1. I liked what you write in this blog...
    Thanks for make me more observant with Allah SWT :)
